This condition affects both experienced and inexperienced network engineers who have obtained the coveted CCIE certification from Cisco. This disorder is related to an identifiable source of over-confidence and "knowledge indignation" that causes significant behavioral symptoms.
The first of the behavioral symptoms is the inability to work well with ones coworkers and customers post-CCIE number assignment, caused by the I-know-everything-there-is-to-know-about-everything-networking factor. While the patient's breadth of knowledge may be significant, this symptom is often considered to be simply a delusion of grandeur. It is often overlooked if the patient is a contributing member of the team, although talk of the patient's bad attitude behind his back is sure to occur.
Secondly, the CCIE-itus patient may exhibit signs of knowledge hoarding, refusing to assist others in their pursuit of the CCIE. This fraternity mentality often leads those CCIE candidates to a feeling of resentment and disdain for the CCIE-itus patient who refused to help them on their journey, thus damaging relationships for no good reason.
Thirdly, the inability to be effectively managed is a symptom the CCIE-itus patient may suffer from. This closely correlates to the first symptom listed, however is classified separately because it is possible to get along with ones peers splendidly, but be to ones boss as oil is to water. Management's only course of action is to force this CCIE out of the organization for not being a "team player". This could potentially lead to a situation where employment might be difficult to come by, if word gets out of the patient's condition.
The first step in the treatment of CCIE-itus is recognizing that a problem exists. Often, people who have CCIE-itus deny their problem and do not seek professional help for their symptoms. Early screening tests can be done to identify mild to severe cases of CCIE-itus, sometimes even pre-CCIE number assignment. The next step in treatment involves establishing a separate CCIE as pack leader who does not suffer from CCIE-itus. The example set by the non-afflicted CCIE should disperse the majority of symptoms mentioned in this article. Lastly, it is important to bring the patient "down a few notches" in order to instill a sense of humility. This can be done any number of ways, for example, beating him to within an inch of his life with Wendell Odom's CCNA Exam Certification Guide.